Nyayapravesakasastra, written by the famous Buddhist preceptor, Dinnaga known as the father of Buddhist logic, in the fourth century of the Vikram era, is an important work in the field of logic. On this text there is a commentary known as Sisyahita, written by the preceptor Sri Haribhadrasuri, religious son of Yakinimahattara in the seventh century of the Vikram era and an old commentary known as Nyayapravesakavrttipanjika written on palm leaves by Sri Parsvadevagani in the twelfth century of the Vikram era. There are also some ancient and modern mss. of the commentaries. Taking the text of Nyayapravesa-kavrttipanjika of venerable sage Shri Punyavijayji, as the basis, this has been critically edited in a systematic way.
The text of Nyayapravesakasastra, was translated into the Bhota language of Tibet and into Chinese language many years ago. Besides, this text has also been translated independently from Chinese language into Bhota language. Pandit Vidhushekhara Bhattacharya, in 1927, published its Tibetan translation in the Roman script. This translation might be extremely useful for the scholars of Tibetan language. Therefore, it has been included as the fifth appendix of this publication in original Tibetan script.
About the Author(s)
Muni Jambuvijaya, a well-known and outstanding Jain saint-scholar, has been editing and translating Jaina Agamic Canonical literature for the last many years. He inherited this tradition from the renowned Jaina stalwart Muni Punyavijayaji. He has a great collection of rare handwritten manuscripts, which has provided him the impetus to edit, translate and get them published. A scholar of sad-darsana and nyaya, his study and work on the treatise on Dvadasaranayacakra earned him critical acclaim from all over the world.
A Polyglot (he knows Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, Apabhramsha and English), he is well-known for his scholarship and generosities among Indologists, particularly those studying Jainism, who come to him from all over the world.