Vedic Mathematics for School offers a fresh and easy approach to learning mathematics. The system was reconstructed from ancient Vedic sources by the late Bharati Krsna Tirthaji earlier this century and is based on a small collection of sutras. Each sutra briefly encapsulates a rule of mental working, a principle or guiding maxim. Through simple practice of these methods all may become adept and efficient at mathematics. Book I of the series is intended for primary schools in which many of the fundamental concepts of mathematics are introduced. It has been written from the classroom experience of teaching Vedic mathematics to eight and nine years-old. At this age a few of the Vedic methods are used, the rest being introduced at a later stage.
"The examples and exercises have been arranged with care and the grading of the latter shows every evidence of the same pedagogic thoroughness. ...For this reason, if no other, the book deserves to serve as a model for text books at this level, in use in this country." -A.K. Vijayakumar, The Hindu, February 27, 1996
J.T. Glover deserves all appreciation for designing the lessons in such a way that the students of the class can closely correlate with the regular formal lessons in the classroom and obtain brain storming exercises in mathematics. - S.V.U. Oriental Journal, Vol.xliii
As against attempts by earlier writers, the presentation, the illustrations and the exercises are all executed very well. The text is interspersed with some geometrical constructions and graphs presumably to answer the requirements of the system. - Bhavan's Journal, Vol.46, No.14, February, 2000.
J.T. Glover...shows clearly that when the formulas are understood, particularly in relation to one another, Vedic mathematics presents unified mathematics. - Journal of Oriental Research, Chennai, Vol.71-73, 2000-2003
The book has been neatly printed and moderately priced. For its immense intellectual worth, it is highly recommended to the seekers of knowledge of mathematics. - Dr. P S Charak, Vedic Astrology, Vol.6 No.4, July-August, 2002
It is totally different from the usual textbooks we see at the school level. Written in simple English, such a book should find a place in every school library. - The Vedanta Kesari, September 2004
Vedic Mathematics throws open a welcome opportunity for mathelets or whizkids to hone their skills and win laurels through display of mental feat in giving one-line quick responses to mathematical calculations and manipulations. - P.K. Srinivasan, The Hindu, September 2000
About the Author(s)
James T. Glover is head of Mathematics at St. James Independent Schools in London where he has been a teacher for eighteen years. He is director of Mathematical studies at the Scho9ol of Economic Science and Fellow of the Institute of Mathematics and its Application. He has been researching Vedic Mathematics and its use in education for more than twenty years and has run public courses in London on the subject. Other books by the author are : An Introductory Course in Vedic Mathematics, Vedic Mathematics for School, Books 1, 2, and Foundation Mathematics, Books 1, 2, and 3.