It is the first time in 400 years that such literature has been produced which gives the true vision of authentic Hinduism and details its continuous history of trillions of years with scientific evidences. The True History and the Religion of India is a concise encyclopedia of authentic Hinduism that reveals the true theme of our scriptures and describes the history of India and the religion of India (Bharatvarsh) of 155.521972 trillion years along with a review of the growth and the development of western civilizations that includes their language, literature, history and religion. It gives a new light to the seekers of the Divine truth and the sincere research scholars of the world. It reveals the authentic form of Sanatan Dharm (the eternal Divine religion) and tells the original philosophy of our Vedas, Puranas, Gita, Bhagwatam, Darshan Shastras and the writings of our acharyas and Jagadgurus. It also reveals the hidden evidences of the workings of the British regime of how they mutilated and abused our Divine Hindu history and religion. After removing all the confusions related to Hinduism, The True History and the Religion of India gives a crystal clear view of Bharatvarsh's general history of trillions of years with precise calculations, and details the authentic chronology with definite evidences from 3228 BC to 1947 AD. It explains the eternally existing forms of Divine worship and gives complete information about Hindu (Bhartiya) religion, scriptures, history, and their Divinity.
"It is an authoritative view of the history of world thought." --Shree Veera Raghavan, (Ex) Regional Advisor, Social Development, United Nations; Director, Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, New Delhi
About The Author:
His Divinity Swami Prakashanand Saraswati (Shree Swamiji) was born in a respectable brahman family in 1929 in Ayodhya. He took the order of sanyas in 1950. Seeing his renunciation, determination and deep devotional feelings for God, in 1952, he was offered to become the Jagadguru Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath but his heart was drawn towards the love of Radha Krishn so he did not accept the proposal. Later on he came to Braj and spent almost 20 years in isolated and secluded (leela) places of Braj, mostly in Barsana, in loving remembrance of Shree Raseshwari Radha Rani and Krishn. With the will of his supremely Gracious Divine Master, Bhakti-yog-rasavatar, Jagadguru Shree Kripaluji Maharaj, he started teaching the path of raganuga bhakti (divine-love-consciousness) since 1972. He is the founder of the International Society of Divine Love and Barsana Dham in the USA, and the International Society of Divine Love and Rangeeli Mahal Pratishthan in India. He has written eleven books on the practical (devotional) aspects of God realization.