SKU: 9788119454907 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 8119454901 (ISBN-10)

The Secret of Self-Transformation: A Synthesis of Tantra and Yoga

₹ 395.00

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 174

Edition : 2nd

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : English

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 1997

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

The central theme of discussion in this monograph revolves round the problem of man's self-transformation in the midst of an artificial and soulless civilization. According to the author, the solution to the problem lies in a synthesis between 'the two principal tradition of India'-Yoga and Tantra which he defines as philosophy and practice. In his view, only on a successful synthesis between the two depends the full flowering of the individual, and only 'a transformed individual...can become a nucleus for fundamental social change'.


About the Author(s)

ROHIT MEHTA was a founder of the Congress Socialist group in 1934. He travelled widely in almost all parts of the world as a lecturer speaking on Religion, Philosophy, Yoga, Psychology, Education, etc. Mehta was a founder of the congress socialist group in 1934 which later on became the socialsit party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialist Party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialism he was deeply dissatisfied with the philosophy of socialism. This led him to become an active worker in the Theosophical society. He became an International secretary of the society when Dr. G.S. Arundale was the president.