The Lankavatara Sutra: A Mahayana Text (Tr. for the first time from the original Sanskrit)

by Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9788120816558, 8120816552
  • ISBN Paperback: 9788120833890, 8120833899
  • Year of Publication: 2009
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 300
  • Language: English
  • Sale price ₹ 695.00 Regular price ₹ 695.00

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    The title Lankavatara might main •entering Lankaê (perhaps referring to the temporary Mahayana period of Ceylon), suggesting that the doctrines of this scripture are possibly consistent with earlier Buddhism preserved in the Pali language. Suzukiês pioneering translation of the Lankavatara Sutra was based on the Sanskrit text (1923) edited by Bunyu Nanjo. It is a remarkable coverage of Mahayana Buddhist topics, especially of the type often associated with the Yogacara school of Buddhism, yet it is of interest to everyone who desires an introduction to Mahayana Buddhism. Here, the world is like a mirage. The mind has poured out its impression of externals. To get liberated one must stop this outpouring. An advanced individual understands and comes to realize the self-nature of the world which is really so. The editor of the book Alex Wayman says, –It is indeed a pleasure to have this famous translation of a work of incomparable content of matters important for Mahayana Buddhism appears in the Buddhist Tradition Series. I have reservations about translation of certain terms of this work, but have no reservations about the importance of making this translation available to interested readers.”


    About the Author(s)

    DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI was Professor of Buddhist Philosophy at the Otani

    University, Kyoto. He is probably the greatest living authority on Buddhist

    Philosophy and certainly the greatest authority on Zen Buddhism.