SKU: 9789357607124 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 9357607129 (ISBN-10)

The Integral Advaitism of Sri Aurobindo

₹ 695.00

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 456

Edition : 1st

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : English

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 1998

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

Sri Aurobindo has developed an original system of the Vedanta called Integral Advaitism.  This book gives a systematic, thorough and authentic exposition of his thought.  The fundamental and living issues, namely, the concept of the Absolute, the supermind, theory of creation, conception of Ignorance, doctrine of Karma and Rebirth, theory of evolution and destiny of man etc. have been discussed in a systematic and critical way and with great clarity, thoroughness and depth. Sri Aurobindo's system has also been compared with some Indian and Western systems of philosophy in an unbiased and objective way. It has been pointed out clearly that Sri Aurobindo's system is not merely speculative in character. It is based on the strong and sound foundation of Logic, epistemology and higher spiritual experience. The concept of the Logic of the Infinite is a most original and distinctive feature of Sri Aurobindo's Integral Advaitism. The author has made a thorough and illuminating exposition of the nature and function of the Logic of the Infinite and its implications and has shown clearly how it provides a strong and unshakable rational foundation to Sri Aurobindo's system of the Vedanta. It constitutes a most notable and meaningful contribution of this book.

About the Author

Prof. R.S. Misra is a noted interpreter of Indian religious and philosophical thought.  He has taught philosophy and religion at Banaras Hindu University for nearly three decades. He was Malaviya Professor of Comparative Religion in the Department of Philosophy, Banaras Hindu University. He was President of 'Religion Section' in the 46th session of Indian Philosophical Congress, 1972. He was elected General President of the 29th session of the Akhil Bharatiya Darshan Parishad, 1983.