The Harsha Carita of Bana

by E. B. Cowell

  • ISBN: 9788120807914, 812080791X
  • Year of Publication: 1993
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 284
  • Pages: 284
  • Language: English & Sanskrit
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Regular price ₹ 750.00

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    Bana holds an unrivalled position in the galaxy of India's literary stars. He is a unique artist in the domain of Embellished Sanskrit prose.

    Bana's Harsacarita is a historical romance which presents actual events of his sovereign--Harsavardhana of Thanesar and Kanauj who ruled over northern India in the first half of the seventh century A.D.

    The present work is an English translation of Harsacarita by two eminent scholars E.B. Cowell and F.W. Thomas. It is a faithful rendering of the original Sanskrit text into English language. It preserves the characteristic features of the author's style. All the puns in the words and veiled allusions in the sentences are explained in the notes, not in the body of translation, out of consideration to the English reader. A short introduction, two appendices and an index of proper names etc. are also very useful.


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