The Dialogue with Death: (Sri Aurobindo's Savitri, A Mystical Approach)

by Rohit Mehta

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9788120812222, 8120812220
  • ISBN Paperback: 9788120812239, 8120812239
  • Year of Publication: 1996
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 370
  • Language: English
  • Sale price ₹ 845.00 Regular price ₹ 845.00

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    In the Dialouge with Death the author presents the superb mtsticism of Sri Aurobindo as he has expounded it in his own inimitable style in the exquisite poem Savitri.

    Savitri is a movemental work in which sri Aurodindo is seen as a yogi and a philosopher a mystic and an occultist a poet and a lover all at once. It contains the quintessence of Sri Aurobindo's great spirtiual adventure which aimed at bridging the gulf between Heaven and Earth.


    About the Author(s)

    ROHIT MEHTA was a founder of the Congress Socialist group in 1934. He travelled widely in almost all parts of the world as a lecturer speaking on Religion, Philosophy, Yoga, Psychology, Education, etc. Mehta was a founder of the congress socialist group in 1934 which later on became the socialsit party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialist Party of India. But while he accepted the economics of socialism he was deeply dissatisfied with the philosophy of socialism. This led him to become an active worker in the Theosophical society. He became an International secretary of the society when Dr. G.S. Arundale was the president.