The Buddhist Pilgrimage

by Duncan Forbes

  • Year of Publication: 2011
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 100
  • Pages: 263
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 495.00 Regular price ₹ 495.00

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    Following the story of the historical Buddha's life on earth, to each of the eight places of traditional pilgrimage, which are hallowed by the Buddha's Birth, Enlightenment, Decease and other significant events. Other sites, which are important in the story of Gautama Buddha and have been

    rediscovered in recent years, are also described, and the author suggests where a search should be made for those that still remain hidden. He also discusses the problems that arose when attempts were made, little more than a hundred years ago, to identify these places in the light of the

    descriptions by Chinese pilgrims that have come down to us. He reveals the errors of that time, which have been rectified in the light of more recent evidence. This is a personal journey by a well-known travel-writer, whose lifelong interest in Buddhism leads him to present his own picture of the origin and development of the faith and to propose answers to questions that are still unresolved. The author has also provided an original plan for each of the sites visited as well as a full description of the place, and the book is illustrated by the author's own photographs.


    " interesting book to read. It is rewarding to see the Buddhist sites through the eyes of a sensitive observer from another culture." - --HSI LAI JOURNAL OF HUMANISTIC BUDDHISM

    "....a spiritual journey ending in a note of hope in the

    About the Author(s)