Ayurveda is a holistic healing system developed in ancient India to increase an under-standing of the human body, mind, and spirit. It organizes the elements of ether, air, fire, water, and earth into three body types, or doshas, and even though each person is unique, one of these doshas will predominate their constitution and will need to be bal-anced on a regular basis. Dairy products are important foods in traditional ayurveda; however, for every milk-based food that ayurvedic healers revere, there is an equally effective whole-food, vegan alternative. The Ayurvedic Vegan Kitchen follows the same nutritional principles as traditional ayurveda and is an exceptional educational resource for people who wish to practice an ayurvedic diet without the use of animal products. Over 120 delicious recipes provide healing flavors and harmony to the mind and spirit. Notations on each recipe page show how the unique chemistry of that recipe can be used to balance the body’s constitution.
About the Author :
TALYA LUTZKER is certified ayurvedic practitioner, certified massage practitioner, yoga teacher, professional chef, and the founder of Talya's kitchen, an organic, nutrition-focused catering business. Specializing in ayurveda since 2003, Talya offers personalized nutrition consultations, personal chef services, catering, natural food store tours, ayurvedic masage, pancha karma, and yoga classes.
Catch her cooking segments on talyakitchen.com and visit Talya's kitchen on Facebook.