The title Lankavatara might mean entering Lanka (Perhaps referring to the temporary Mahayana period of Ceylon), suggesting that the doctrine of this scripture are possibly consistent with earlier Buddhism preserved in the Pali language. Suzuki has greatly helped the reader of the basic scripture by discussing the main ideas. He tells how to study this scripture, compares it with the popular Zen Buddhism discusses such typical and important doctrines as Mind-only the Triple body of the Buddha and many minor topics. Suzuki is both an exacting scholar and an understanding exponent of these difficult concepts. He adds a Sanskrit-Chinese-English Glossary, and also an Index. This work is essential for grasping the main ideas of the scripture.
One of the Most Important Texts of Mahayana Buddhism in which almost all its principal Tenets are Presented, includi
About the Author(s)
DAISETZ TEITARO SUZUKI was Professor of Buddhist Philosophy at the Otani
University, Kyoto. He is probably the greatest living authority on Buddhist
Philosophy and certainly the greatest authority on Zen Buddhism.