This book deals with the ideals and elements of Vedanta and the exposition of Vedanta symbology by taking recourse to the stories and illustrations drawn from the Epics, Puranas and Classics. The principal aim which runs throughout from the short story of Suka's advent to the long life-tale of Vamadeva and other miscellaneous stories-is the realization of Self, the knowledge of the Atman, the elaboration and impression of the sublime truth taught by all religions and sages of antiquity, lord Srikrsna and Jesus Christ.
Even a cursory glance at the contents and the range, richness and variety of the subjects included should make one feel that Rajam Iyer has delved deep into the fountain of Vedanta and spent years in understanding their intricacies, and mastering their mysteries. This range and
richness is not merely confined to the subject matter; it equally holds true of the richness of
linguistic and literary flourish. If there are closely reasoned out essays on subjects of great
controversy, there are pleasant tales that drive home the Vedantic truth in the manner in which the great sage Veda Vyasa did through his Mahabharata and the Puranas.
The author has delved deep into the subjects of great controversy such as the concepts of Atman, Karma-yoga, Bhakti, Virtue and Sin and has cleared the intricacies of the subject matter in as simple, homely and interesting style as possible.
About the Author:
B. R. Rajam Iyer (1872-1898) lived for just 26 years. In such a short span of life, he became a profound scholar in English literature and at the same time mastered the Vedantic lore.
Mr. Rajam Iyer's abilities first attracted the attention of the public in 1892 when he published his excellent criticism on Kachikalam-bakam in the pages of The Christian College Magazine, a Tamil poem by the late professor Ranganadha Mudaliyar. About the same time, he began to publish his famous Tamil novel Kamalambal as a serial in the pages of Viveka Chintamani.
In 1896, at the young age of 24, he started the renowned journal Prabuddha Bharata (Awakened India) devoted to reglion and philosophy and was its editor till his death in 1898.