The book contains the role of the Ramacaritamanasa in the lives of Hindi-speaking indentured labourers and their progeny in South Africa; and their perceptions of Sri Rama and the Ramacaritamanasa. The South African Hindus of Hindi-speaking origin cherish the Ramacaritamanasa as scripture, and delve deep into the lake of Sri Rama's Acts to gain solace and guidance. Its role as an agent of religio-cultural continuity amonst Hindi-speaking Hindus clearly indicates its importance in the years to come.
About the Author(s)
USHA DEVI SHUKLA was born and educated in Natal, South Africa. Her nurture in a
culturally conscious family and environment led her to study Hindi as one
of her major subjects at the University of Durban Westville, South Africa.
Shukla's research into the Ramacaritamanasa in South Africa and the Hindi
Diaspora opened many vistas of research and contact with Indians of
indentured origin.