About the Author(s)
Dr. Hazari was born in Khulna, now in Bangladesh, on 16 September 1917. Khulna is also the birthplace of Sri Aurobindo. At the age of eighteen, Dr. Hajari followed his Guru, Sri Aurobindo to his Ashram in Pondicherry. He dedicated his life to the ideals of Sri Aurobindo and the Mother and lived there till he passed away on 23 December 1978. He served as a homeopathic doctor and gained fame by healing patients with incurable diseases. Sri Aurobindo's magnum opus, Savitri, was completed just before the master passed away on 5 December 1950. Three months later, Dr. Hajari had a vision, in which Sri Aurobindo appeared to him. This is how Dr. Hajari became the medium to receive the epic Devayan, a compendium and interpretation of all Indian legends. ABOUT THE TRANSLATOR: Amita Nathwani was born in Dehra Dun, India in 1944. Deeply influenced by Sri Aurobindo, she went to live at Pondicherry in 1963. She is married and since 1973, she is living in Europe. After working In India, Africa and Europe she has decided to dedicate her life to transcribing the twelve volumes of Devayan.