Neither Dusk Nor Dawn: Discourses on Saint Charandas by OSHO

by Vaidehe Vadgama, Alvaro Ruffo Della Scaletta

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9789356760325, 9356760322
  • ISBN Paperback: 9789356760332, 9356760330
  • Year of Publication: 2023
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 432
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 850.00 Regular price ₹ 850.00

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    About the Book: 

    These discourses of Osho are not just a commentary on Saint Charandas, they are the testimony of a love affair between two enlightened souls. Why call it a love affair?

    Because Charandas, even though he is no longer in the body, inspires Osho with his poetry and his words of wisdom that he left behind after a life dedicated to spiritual teachings about Bhakti and Yoga. And Osho, on his part, out of his love for the great 18th Century Saint and mystic, magically brings back to life Charandas, so that he can be known to the world for what he is unique spiritual master, amongst countless masters who have walked throughout the centuries on India’s beautiful land. And of course, India’s land is blessed because so many rare souls have blessed it with their presence.

    About the Authors: 

    VAIDEHE VADGAMA and ALVARO RUFFO DELLA SCALETTA have been devotees of Osho for many years. Vaidehe, who is of Indian origins, met Osho for the first time in 1969 at his residence in Jabalpur, India, when Osho was known as Acharya Rajneesh. She was initiated by Osho into Neo-Sannyas in 1974 with the spiritual name Ma Yoga Videh.

    Alvaro met Osho in Mumbai in 1974 and was initiated by Osho into Neo-Sannyas with the spiritual name Swami Chidananda.

    In the early 1970s, both Vaidehe and Alvaro were invited personally by Osho to live in his Ashram in Pune. Since then, up until Osho’s demise in 1990, they lived with Osho in all his Ashrams/Communes, always maintaining a personal and close relationship with Osho and receiving his direct guidance in regard to their spiritual growth.

    Having listened to Osho’s daily talks throughout all those years, they have imbibed the essence of his spoken words and are familiar with his wide range of expressions and his eclectic knowledge, which they are able to convey in their translations/transcreations from Hindi into English.