Lakshmi Bandlamudi's description of her journey to Kailash and Manasarover, representing as they do Purusha and Prakriti, the masculine and the feminine nature of existence, is deeply moving because she connects it to her own inner spiritual quest. Replete with mythical stories regarding Shiva and Parvati, and written with a special emphasis on the feminine, this book is a moving testament of a living faith which has persisted for thousands of years.
Lakshmi Bandlamudi's script is a sublimely cosmic dance in itself hinting at a difficult life and a less than easy journey; she nonetheless describes her journey to Kailash the home of Shiva, as a transcendental pilgrimage of the soul. The story Tibetan territory she must traverse becomes almost irrelevant in her soul's searching for answers to questions, which are both personal and universal.
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