SKU: 9789383398348 (ISBN-13)  |  Barcode: 9383398345 (ISBN-10)


₹ 175.00

Binding : Paperback

Pages : 184

Edition : 1st

Size : 5.5" x 8.5"

Condition : New

Language : Hindi

Weight : 0.0-0.5 kg

Publication Year: 2014

Country of Origin : India

Territorial Rights : Worldwide

Reading Age : 13 years and up

HSN Code : 49011010 (Printed Books)

Publisher : Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

The book on Metacognition deals with many chapters such as Cognitive Psychoogy, Concept of Metacognition, Metacognitive strategies, Metacognition and Brain, Models of Metacognition, in Education and Research.  This book would be highly informative to teachers, teacher educators, research scholars, B.Ed. and M.Ed. students and all those interested in the teaching learning process.


About the Author(s)

Dr. A Jahita Begum is presently working as Associate Professor and Head of Department of Education, Gandhigram Rural University, Dindigal Dt., Tamil Nadu.  India. She got educational qualifications such as M.A. (Pol. Science); M.Ed.; M.Phil.; PGDCA; Praveen in Hindi; Dip. in Urdu Ph.D. (Education).  She got rich teaching experience of 20 years in Kendriya Vidyalayas, DIETs and Universities.  She was Head in Charge of the Education Department in Periyar University, Salem from September 2006 to October, 2008.  She is the recipient of NCERT National Award 2002 and 2003 (Two Times) for innovative Practices in English Teaching.  She received Prof. Uma Nag Lecture Award in 2007 from Psycholinguistic Association of India Agra; Hindi Manasvi Award in 2008 from Hindi Sahitya Sabha, Agra; Professional Commitment Award in 2008 from Indore and Air India BOLT District Award; Prof. K. Sivadasan Pillai emorial Lecture Award 2008, Council of Teacher Education, Bhopal; Certificate of Appreciation in 2008 from Akhil Bharathi Vaicharik Kranthi Manch, Lucknow; Anand Award of Best Cognitive Psychologist, 2009, IPERA, Agra; Prof S.D. Kapoor Award of Best Researcher, 2009, IPERA, Agra; Hindi Manasvi Award 2009, Hindi Sahithya Sabha, Agra; and Prerak Vyaktitva Award 2010, Dr. Mohan Best Teacher Award 2011, IPERA Sudershan Rakheja Memorial Award for Best Woman Educationist 2011.

She has published about 10 books and 75 articles in the National Journals and 5 articles in the international Journals.  She attended and presented papers in 50 National conferences and 10 international conferences and delivered more than 70 quest lectures in International, National and State level seminars, conferences as resource person. 12 Ph.D and 15 M.Phil degrees were awarded under her guidance.  She completed 4 major research projects from NCERT, UGC, ICSSR, and Madurai Kamaraj University.  Her research areas of interest are Cognititive Science and Communicative Competence.  She has visited England, Scottland Srilanka and China regarding her research endeavours.  She is the Life Member in Psycholinguistic Association Agra (PLAI).  All India Association of India (ELTAI), Chennai, Indian Science Congress, Kolkata etc.  She is also a member in the editorial board for quite number of educational journals.

Professor Dr. S. Mohan at present working as Director, Centre for Educational Research, in Kundrakkudi, Sivagangai District of Tamil Nadu.  He is a pioneer in educational research, especially in the field of Cognitive Science.  He only introduced this area to the most of the research scholars of Tamil Nadu, when he was Professor and Head in the Department of Education, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu.  He also served as Dean in Alagappa University.  He possess 35 years of experience as teacher in Schools.  Colleges and Universities.

He guided about 125 Ph.D. scholars and 150 M.Phil. scholars.  He adjudicated more than hundred Ph.D. theses in Education.  He is the convener of visiting team of NAAC and NCTE to the colleges of India and reseource person in DIETS, SCERT, NCERT.  He served as chairperson and resource person for more than hundred international and national seminars and conferences orgainsed in the field of education.  He has published more than hundred articles in national and international journals and many boos on education.  He visited reputed educational institutions both in India and abroad.  He has obtaine many awards for his contribution to educational research.  He encourages the teaching community to undertake research and known for his simplicity, humanistic approach, motivating research scholars and his affetion towards students.