The book is about philosophy of Jean Paul Sartre, who is author of the famous existential dictum that "Existence precedes Essence". He explains a man ontologically as enclosed subjectivity, who finds himself alone in the world as he is not able to understand other subjectivities and is surrounded by objects. With an open and blank future he realizes his absolute freedom and tries to explore his possibilities in relation to outer alien world. With limitations of capabilities the man goes on to become center of this universe and the strongest individual. This man aspires to become God. In this way every man aspires to become god in the form of completeness. In the world of subjectivities where earth becomes full of gods; in the material realization of possibilities, man's aspirations face scarcity, terror and objectification of subjectivity. Sartre is an atheist philosopher in the sense that man alone decides about his life as God never turns up on the scene, thus the philosopher says that Man is condemned to be free.
"Once the liberty has exploded in the soul of a man, the Gods can do nothing against that man. It is a matter for men to handle amongst themselves, and it is up to other men - and to them alone - to let him flee or to destroy him." -Jean Paul Sartre
About the Author(s)