Volume III in this series presents some of the most celebrated classical
writers of India, including Sudraka, Visnusarman, Kalidasa, Pravarasena,
Amaruka, Bharavi, Subandhu and Visakhadatta. A new analysis and
appreciation of their poetry, drama and fiction is offered, in the light of
Indian literary criticism, especially of the important critical works only
recently recovered from scattered manuscripts. During the disastrous later
middle ages (about the thirteenth century and later), most of the earlier
literature was destroyed by invading fanatics and plunderers. In order to
offer a more complete picture of the early medieval literature, an effort
has been made here to resurrect, from the critics and elsewhere, such once
famous writers as Sarvasena, Candragomin, Matrgupta, Mentha and
Brahmayasas, together with what is known of the mysterious 'Vikramaditya'.
To provide some social background to such aspects of criticism as trends in
the characterisation of heroes, the history of the period (+200 to +600) is
briefly touched on at the beginning of some of the chapters.
The sculpture photographed on the dust jacket, courtesy of the National
Museum, New Delhi, is believed to represent a scene from the Toy Cart,
though it seems more likely to be from some earlier play.
About the Author(s)