Finding the perfect balance between mind and body is the key to
experiencing a whole, healthy, and energetic lifestyle. Haunting memories
of past trauma or a major emotional change can, however, keep your from
achieving this goal. Energetic Bodywork is a pioneering effort in the field
of psychosomatic and alternative healing that demonstrates the links
between specific body tissues and emotional stress, which ultimately leads
to the solution best for you. Rita J.McNamara, a practicing counselor and
therapist, explains the mechanics of the mind-body connection. She offers
clear and comprehensive descriptions of various treatments that go beyond
traditional massage and physical therapies.
You will be amazed at the number of practical, non-toxic methods new
available that are no only effective, but easy to do. this is an
indispensable guide for understanding emotional and physical health.
"It is a pioneering effort in the field of psychosomatic and laternative
healing and explains the mechanics of the mind-body connection"
an attempt where multiple systems are grouped together to find s
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