Education Philosophies & Thinkers

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Educational Philosophies and Thinkers (Western and Indian) is basically a book that caters to the interest of the readers in the field of educational philosophy. The book is comprehensive study and has been perpared keeping in view of the syllabi of 10+2+3, B.A. (Education), M.A. (Education), B.Ed., M.Phil. (Education) of various boards, councils and universities of our country. The book betrays the fact that it is the study of thoughts by which men live and the society is animated. People determine all their thoughts. The persent study is an attempt in this direction unfolding the vast vista of educational philosophy and even that which has been inherited from our ancient thinkers.

The book is divided into five parts. The part A is Introduction-"Philosophical Foundations of Education" deals with the meaning of philosophy, education, their relationship and different schools of philosophy. Part B is dealing with various western