Creativity Potentials and Prospects

by Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

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The book contains ten chapters - (i) Creativity- Relevance and Rationale (ii) Conceptual Perspective, (iii) Theoretical Foundation, (iv) Development of Creative Thinking, (v) Identification and Measurement. A Pre-evaluative perspective, (vi) Measurement of Creative Thinking-An Evaluation Perspective, (vii) Bettering the Best- The promotive perspective, (viii) Texture in creativity, (ix) Recent Trends in creativity, (x) Creativity - Promises and prospects followed by a large number of reference on creativity studies. National achievements and accomplishments are the function of high creativity talents and high achievement motivation . Large population is considered rather the human liabilities. Human assets ensure national progress and prosperity. As such, creative talents transform the nation into" an Achieving Society"- ' A progressive Nation, Creativity Development Package Programme (CDPP) ha been therefore, proposed in this book, which if  implemented effectively could catch the young at a right moment and nurture and nourish them for getting them transformed into creative talents employing various techniques as given in the chapter on "Bettering the Best". The book provides rich reading materials for all those who are in some way or other interested in their own success or in the National building process or in social development programme. The book has been written for teachers, teacher educators, students of education and students who offer psychology at the graduation and post-graduation stage. It indicates the direction in which education should move to meet the challenges that lie ahead. 

About the Author(s): Dr. V. P.Sharma born on 28th Dec, 1928 and brought up at Raipur (M.P.) joined Department of Psychology, Pt. Ravishankar Shukla University Raipur (M.P.)-492010 on 15th Nov.1968 as a Lacturer and retired from there as Professor of Psycholopy and Head of the Department on 31st Dec