
by V. V. Mirashi

  • Year of Publication: 1996
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 100
  • Pages: 422
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 595.00 Regular price ₹ 595.00

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    Bhavabhuti has been unanimously acclaimed as an eminent Sanskrit poet,

    second only to Kalidasa. The present work deals with the various problems

    concerning this great poet of Vidarbha such as the identification of his

    birthplace, his identity with Umbeka, the location of the god

    Kalapriyanatha at whose fairs all his plays were first staged, the

    chronological relation of his Uttra-Rama-charita to the Kundamala of

    Dhiranga, the influence of his works on later Sanskrit dramatists and so

    forth. Besides, the present work gives a detailed account of the plots of

    all his plays with numerous citations from them together with their English

    rendering, which will enable ordinary readers to appreciate his poetic

    genius and dramatic talent. it also states in detail the poet's views on

    various religious, political and social matters. The present work is thus

    designed to meet the needs of both the ordinary and the critical readers of

    Bhavabhuti's works.


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