If you are a spa owner looking for new, authentic world-class treatments, a body worker wanting to learn methods that touch your clients on a heart level, or someone who enjoys creating nurturing rituals for yourself and family members in your own home, Ayurvedic Spa will guide and help you to offer and/ or achieve greater levels of beauty, peace and wellness. Ayurvedic Spa offers...
* Detailed descriptions and photos of spa treatments.
* Stress reducing exercises and meditations from the Tibetan tradition.
* Guidelines on how to integrate Ayurvedic treatments into your spa and into the life of your clients, friends, or family.
Melanie and Robert Sachs opened the beauty industry's eyes to Ayurvedic principles and methods, allowing spa therapists to become holistic partners in their clients' total well-being. From their hands-on treatments and talks on Eastern philosophies, the S
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