Islam--the Straight Path is "a concise presentation of the history and
spread of Islam and of the beliefs and obligations of Muslims as
interpreted by some outstanding Muslim scholars of our time" from Turkey,
Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Iraq, Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, and China. The
essays present a vivid picture of this faith which exerts tremendous
influence on its votaries and has found its home from Morocco to Indonesia
and China.
The work is a portrayal of Islam as it is, with chapters devoted to
subjects such as The Origin of Islam, Ideas and Movements in Islamic
History, Islamic Beliefs and Code of Laws, The Rational and Mystical
Interpretations of Islam, Shi'a, Islamic Culture in Arab and African
Countries, Islamic Culture in Turkish Areas, Muslim Culture in Pakistan and
India, Islamic Culture in China, Islam in Indonesia, and, Unity in
Diversity in Islam. Each chapter epitomizes a subject which could "scarcely
be covered adequately in a whole book".
About the Author:
KENNETH W. MORGAN lived in Ramakrishna Mission Ashrams in India. He served
as Director of Chapel House and of the Found for the study of World
Religions. He became Professor of Religion, Emeritus, at Colgate University
in 1974.