About the Book:
Sankhyadarsana, one of the six seminal texts called Darsana Sastras that form the backbone of Indian philosophy, was written in the hoary past by the great sage Kapila. It provides logical proofs for subjects that are still reckoned to be outside the realm of reason, subjects such as the existence and nature of God, of souls, and of the inanimate matter that makes up the bulk of the Universe. It is most famous for laying down the sequence of transformation of matter from the original substrate to the world we see today. The arguments used to establish Kapila’s principles are surprising and, of course, difficult! They have withstood the test of time and scientists would do well to consider them. Kapila has tried to make them as accessible to the reader as possible, providing multiple proofs and examples. Come, discover this amazing treatise and be rewarded by great intellectual pleasure and remarkable insights!
About the Author:
UTTARA NERURKAR, a practising engineer and software professional from the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur, till 2001, gave it all up for the study and teaching of ancient Indian philosophical texts. She has developed her own insights based on her extensive reading, and brings a scientific perspective to bear on treatises that are not traditionally read that way. Her guiding light has been Swami Dayananda Saraswati of the Arya Samaj, who was blessed with the scientific vision of a true seer. Her interpreta-tions have been appreciated by experts, with a number of her papers being presented in reputed journals and conferences. She is the author of four books on the Upanisads and Yogadarsana.