Text Book of Kriya Yog: The Cosmic Engineering of Life in the Light of Medical Science

by Chanchal Roy Devsharmman

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9789357600149, 9357600140
  • ISBN Paperback: 9789357600125, 9357600124
  • Year of Publication: 2024
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 843
  • Pages: 843
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 1,900.00 Regular price ₹ 1,900.00

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    “Text Book of Kriya-Yog” (TBKY) deals with the inner cosmic engineering of human being. It is a rare piece of Wisdom, Soul Culture and Divine Evolution of our True Self to find Immortality in Cosmic Consciousness, being united with the same, from within only, with the direct Initiation, Empowerment, Teaching and Guidance from Realised Kriya-Yog Master, in our running span of life. The Educationists, Teachers, Professors, Soldiers, Scientists, Technologists, Engineers, Architect, Crafts Persons, Technicians, Doctors, Management Experts, Analysts, Critics, Lawyers, Artists, Sport Persons, Social Workers, Journalists, Industrialists, Diplomats, Politicians, Business Persons, Support Staff, Service Holders, Householders, Hermits, Celibates, Married, Unmarried, Students and Professionals of any age and gender - all of you who are true to the Unconditional Truth, searching for the Origin of ourselves and the entire Creation, searching for the address of the Creator and the Unconditional relationships among Creator-Creation-Creature with great yet hidden hope, for all of the varieties fact finding, source searching, alert, inspired and motivated individuals of this twenty first century’s world - “Text Book of Kriya-Yog” is going to be one of your best friend, philosopher and guide, for the Divine Quest of Immortality.

    About the Author:

    Yogacharyya Dr. Chanchal Roy Devsharmman, a direct disciple of Paramahamsa Hariharananda Giri Ji Maharaj, shares four decades of profound Kriya Yog practice. Simultaneously, he applies his expertise as a practicing medical doctor in the field of Homoeopathy, having earned his degree in Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery from Calcutta University with over 38 years of professional experience. His book “Text Book of Kriya-Yog” serves as a synthesis of the knowledge gained both from the his extensive medical practice and profound experience in the realm of Kriya Yog.


    “O Mind, lets return to the real abode”…
    (Mano Chalo Nija Niketane)

    - First Meeting of Paramahamsa Shri Ramkrishhna and Swami Vivekananda

    “Who knows WHO that is,

    what is the relation between us;

    Can only see a glimpse of THAT SOURCE,

    Intuition tells something MORE

    And some part I do not understand at all”...

    (Aami Kaan Pete Roi)

    “With the light of the eyes, I saw outside.

    I shall see within, in the absence of the light, tonight

    When you are not reachable externally,

    Yet YOU preside in my heart.

    Now, I wish YOUR PRESENCE in your own light”...

    (Chokher Aloy Dekhechhilem)


    - Kriya-Yogi Vishwakabi Rabindranath Thakur

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