Italian Scholars on India, Vol.1: Classical Indology

by Raffaele Torella

  • ISBN Hardcover: 9789393214720, 9393214727
  • ISBN Paperback: 9789393214737, 9393214735
  • Year of Publication: 2022
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 438
  • Pages: 438
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 1,495.00 Regular price ₹ 1,495.00

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    The aim of this book is to give an account of the Italian scholarship on classical Indian by presenting  some of the most significant research articles cover a variety of subjects ranging from Vyakarana to Kavya, Mimamsa, Buddhism, Pratyabhijna, Hindu Tantrism, Philosophy of Language, Aesthetics.

    The authors are well-known scholars working at Italian and foreign Universities: Giuliano Boccali (Milan "Statale"), Maria Piera Candotti (Pisa), Claudio Cicuzza (Bangkok), Daniele Cuneo (Paris Sorbonne Nouvelle), Florinda De Simini (ERC, Naples "Orientale"), Marco Ferrante (Vienna), Marco Franceschini (Bologna), Elisa Freschi (Toronto), Elisa Ganser (Zurich), Cinzia Pieruccini (Milan "Statale"), Tiziana Pontillo (Cagliari), Francesco Sferra (Naples "Orientale"), Antonio Rigopoulos (Venice "Ca' Foscari") Raffaele Torella (Rome "Sapienza"), Vincenzo Vergiani (Cambridge).

    About the Author: 

    RAFFAELE TORELLA is Professor of Sanskrit at University of Rome "Sapienza", where he has also taught for long Indian Philosophy and Religion, and Indology. He is the President of the Italian Association for Sanskrit Studies. He is also the Director of Rivista degli Studi Orientali.

    His main publications include (with G. Boccali) Eros and Emotions in Indian and Tibet (Turin: Einaudi, 2007; in Italian); The Philosophical Traditions of India: an Appraisal, Varanasi: Indica books, 2011; Sivasutra with Ksemaraja's Vimarsini Milan: Adelphi, Milan 2013 (in Italian); "Passions and emotions in the Indian Philosophical-religions", in P. Bilimoria. A. Wenta (eds.) Emotions in Indian Thought-Systems, London: Routledge 2015; (ed. with B. Baumer) Utpaladeva, Philosopher of Recognition, Delhi: DK Printworld 2016; "Saiva Nondualism", in J. Tuske (ed) Indian Epistemology and Metaphysics (Bloomsbury Research Handbooks in Asian Philosophy). London; Bloomsbury 2017: The Isvarapratybhijnakarika of Utpaladeva with the Author's Vrtti: Critical Edition and Annotated Translation, repr. Delhi 2021