About the Book:
In this book Nitin presents a history of ancient India not known to many. Ancient India had its cultural, spiritual and civilisational impact on a huge part of the world. In the field of Science, Mathematics, Geography, Medicine, Astronomy, Politics, Architecture, Conflict Resolution, Peaceful coexistence as well as Philosophical and Spiritual values, India led the world. As a result of foreign invasions India’s rich heritage was stifled and its legendary wealth plundered by the conquerors. History was rewritten by the occupiers. Sacred scriptures and manuscripts with priceless knowledge on almost every aspect of Human civilization were destroyed. This book traces Indian’s influences in ancient times from Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. It will help people in India, especially the young generation and people all over the world to look at India in a new enlightened way. This book should be part of the school curriculum in India.
The secret of the immortality of the Indian civilization is Ahimsa or nonviolence, towards all living beings, including animals and insects. It is the Ahimsa of the brave. It is about not harming or exploiting anyone, in any shape or form. It does not mean pacifism or not retaliating against aggression. Ahimsa is about peace and compassion. India is now on the cusp of becoming a world leader again and its values will guide an increasingly unstable and violent world. A moment comes, which comes but rarely in History when India will fulfil its responsibilities to mankind.
Nitin Mehta, 29 April 2022.
About the Author:
Nitin Mehta, MBE, was born in Kisumu, Kenya. He speaks fluent Swahili, Gujarati, Hindi, and Punjabi. As soon as he was old enough to understand that, by heritage, he was Indian, he became fascinated with the land of his forefathers. At the age of eight, his parents took him to India. His impressions of India left a mark on him which continues to this day. When he moved to the UK at a young age Nitin delved deep into the philosophical and spiritual wisdom of India.