Inner Tantric Yoga: Working with the Universal Shakti Secrets of Mantras, Deities and Meditation

by David Frawley

  • ISBN: 9788120834217, 8120834216
  • Year of Publication: 2009
  • Binding: Hardcover
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 263
  • Pages: 263
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Regular price ₹ 495.00

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    Inner Tantric yoga presents the deeper tradition of Tantra, its multidimensional vision of the Divine and its transformative practices of mantra and meditation that take us far beyond the outer models of how Tantra is usually presented today. The book can expand your horizon about masculine and feminine energies, Self and world, universe and the Absolute into a living experience of the Infinite and Eternal both within and around you.


    With Inner Tantric Yoga, David Frawley reminds us that we have, hidden within our own deeper awareness, wonderful Gods and Goddesses in embryo who have but one intention: to bring the sacred back into our lives. ã Deepak Chopra and David Simon, The Chopra and David Simon, The Chopra Center for Wellbeing

    Vamadeva (Dr.Frawley) is a living rishi who guides his students to the fullest scope of yogic insight and realization. His book weaves Tantra, Veda and Yoga, Shakti and Shiva, into a magnificent tapestry of wisdom, beauty and delight.-Shambhavi Chopra, author of Yogini, Unfolding the Goddess Within

    David Frawley continues to bring new understandings of the esoteric aspects of Tantra and Yoga. This work is invaluable for all seekers of yoga who would know it in its fullest context as a spiritual art and practice.-Mukunda Stiles, author of Ayurvedic Yoga Therapy

    David Frawley, (Vamadeva Shastri) is the preeminent American born authority on Hindu philosophy and scripture. Inner Tantric Yoga is a new jewel from Vamadeva's store of precious treasures, and a "must have" for serious students of Eastern mystical teachings and dedicated practitioners. It receives my highest recommendation.-Thomas Ashley-Farrand, author of Healing Mantras and Shakti Mantras

    About the Author(s)

    David Frawley (Vamadeva Shastri) is one of the few Westerners recognized in India as a Vedacharya or teacher of the ancient Vedic wisdom. He is the author of numerous books and articles on Vedic Topics including Ayurveda, Vedic Astrology,Vedanta, Hinduism, Yoga and Tantra, as well as translations and interpretations from the Vedas. Dr. Frawley has been given many awards for his work in India including the Veda Vyasa award by the International Institute of India Studies. He is a Jyotish Kovid through the Indian Council of Astrological Sciences, and is also the President of the American Council of Vedic Astrology, the American offshoot of the Indian council; He has a Doctorês degree in Chinese Medicine and has also been certified as an expert through the University of Poona for his knowledge of Yoga and Ayurveda. He is presently Director of the American Institute of Vedic Studies.