The Reflexive Nature of Awareness: A Tibetan Madhyamaka Defence

by Paul Williams

  • Year of Publication: 2000
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 268
  • Pages: 268
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 395.00 Regular price ₹ 395.00

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    According to the Tibetan Tsong kha pa one of the eight difficult points in understanding Madhyamaka philosophy is the way in which Prasangika Madhyamaka does not accept even conventionally that reflexivity is an essential part of awareness-that in being aware there is also an awareness of being aware (rang rig). One of the most systematic and detailed refutations of Tsong kha pa's approach to this issue can be found in the commentary to the ninth chapter of the Bodhicaryavatara by the rNying ma lama Mi pham (18456-1912), together with Mi pham's own replies to his subsequent critics.


    About the Author(s)

    PAUL WILLIAMS is Professor of Indian and Tibetan Philosophy and Co-Director

    of the Centre for Buddhist Studies at the University of Bristol. His

    numerous publications include Mahayana Buddhism.