This book has identified "the good of all" as the single most important
criterion of excellence of any socio-spiritual approach to life's
problems--particularly in the context of the conflict-ridden society of
today. The comprehensive coverage of this criterion, as presented in this
study, has strong links with (like Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati) three
life-sustaining streams of thought. The first stream refers to the
lokasamgraha-message of the Gita which has been formulated in that
scripture from ten different but inter-connected angles. The second stream
refers to the jagmangal-message of the Manas which is simpler to grasp and
which can also be explained from the same ten angles as are applicable to
the Gita. The third stream refers to the repeated expressions of the
concern for "the good of all" which began with the Vedas and which
continued as an integral part of the Indian tradition--a steady source
which strengthened the calls of the Gita and Manas also.
By putting all these ideas together and by maintaining the interest of the
readers, this book has opened the door to a new field of study and
research, viz. the Indian contribution to the theory and practice of "the
good of all."
"His arguments are forceful and convincing. The book is really a gem which
is worth acquiring by all those interested in the subject."
About the Author(s)
Dr. Satya P. Agarwal is a Social Scientist. His academic honours include five gold medals and numerous merit scholarships and research fellowships at various universities. The Governor of the State of Maryland conferred upon him "The Governor's Citation", in recognition of his pioneering books as also his contribution to social service. He is author of several books besides the present one which are widely acclaimed and appreciated by the discerning readers. Other honours conferred on him include: (i) Kunti Goyal International Award, (ii) Special Award of Manas Sangam and (iii) International Tulasi Award.