Natural Birth Control Made Simple

by Barbara Kass-Annese, Hal C. Danzer

  • ISBN: 9788178222929, 8178222922
  • Year of Publication: 2007
  • Binding: Paperback
  • Edition: 1st
  • No. of Pages: 182
  • Pages: 182
  • Language: English
  • Publisher: Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House
  • Sale price ₹ 225.00 Regular price ₹ 225.00

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    Natural Birth Control Made Simple is an up to date guide to a system of choice in reproduction that has been around, in one form or the other, for thousands of years. It shows women how to recognize and chart their fertility signs, which indicate when they are infertile and can have sexual intercourse without conceiving or are most fertile and most likely to conceive. Using 20 illustrations and over 40 charts, it explains how to recognize primary and secondary fertility signs and how to chart these signs, interpret them and adjust for special circumstances. Natural family planning techniques are: * Physically safe, avoiding health risks associated with the Pill and hormonal drugs. * Inexpensive, self-directed and helpful. * Used by partners with religious concerns. * Promote sharing of responsibility and understanding of sexual and emotional needs.


    "I feel that the information was clearly and concisely explained. My clients have told me the book was easy to follow and the charts helpful to read." -Fertility Awareness Instructor, Family Planning.

    "Probably the best book on fertility awareness I'

    About the Author(s)

    Barbara Kass-Annese, has been a leading expert in the field of fertility awareness and natural family planning and has directed training programs for family planning instructors throughout the world.  She is currently Director of Clinical Services at the Center for Health Enhancement, California.