Subha Jaya Muhurtha: Choosing an Auspicious-Victorious Moment: Dynamic Synchronization of Time and Action (Vedic Astrology)

by Motilal Banarsidass Publishing House

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About the Book:

Fixing and auspicious moment for any activity is an important part of the professional work of a Vedic Astrologer. This book explains the rather complicated and confusing subject of fixing Subha Jaya Muhurtha, in a simple way with clear procedures. Apart from explaining the Philosophy of Muhurtha the book enables one to understand the various factors and their individual importance involved in fixing a Muhurtha. A subject which has hundreds of rules and sometimes contradictory rules and exemptions, is presented in a simple, straight forward, methodical, way so that students, amateurs, and professionals can use the same without confusion and with ease. With almost 40 ready-reckon tables given in the Appendix, the job of fixing an auspicious moment becomes easy and quick.


About the Author:

Born in a family of traditional astrologers, K JAYA SEKHAR was initiated into Vedic astrology as well as other psychic subjects at a early age by his father. Immediately after graduating from Madra University in Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry he became a professional astrologer. He has been the President of the Institute of Astrological Studies Chennai (Madras) the Vice President of Institute Indian Astrology, Calcutta and Research Director of the Astrological Section of Bharat Nirman, New Delhi. He has presented papers, given conferences and conducted workshops on varied subjects such as palmistry, Numerology, Vaasthu, Hindu Philosophy, Chakras & Yoga, Ayurvedic way to health and longevity. He has visited United States, United Kingdom, France, Switzerland, Germany, Poland, Austria, Italy, Holland, Belgium, Sri Lanka and Singapore.