The Baudhayana Srautasutra together with an english translation is being presented here in four volumes. There will be other volumes also presenting Bhavasvamin's bhasya and the word index of the sutra text. The Baudhayana Srautasutra belongs to the Krsna Yajurveda Taittiriya recensioon. It represents the oral lectures delivered by the teacher Baudhyana hence is the oldest srauta text. The text is revised here in the light of the variant readings recorded by W. Caland in his first edition and is presented in a readable form. The mantras forming part of the Sutras have been fully rendered into english.
"........long awaited for publication fills a major gap in the study of Vedic texts by offering for the first time a full translation of one of the largest Srautasutras.... an outstanding addition to a similar work of the same genre carried out by Kashika
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